The February 7th Downtown Poetry Slam began with David Moore.
Competing poets drew their magic cards.
The show began when the music stopped.
On left: The timeless Charissa Lucille our stand-in scorekeeper. On stage: Sacrificial poem wears a vintage pantsuit.
Joshua Wiss presented his poetry like a celestial lesson.
Beautiful crowd!
Open ears on a Saturday night at Firehouse
There is a mesmerizing quality to the oral tradition of poetry unlike many other art forms.
Magic is when a poem written by someone else so perfectly picks up where a thought in your own head left off.
Slam poetry occupies the Art Space.
Marvelling at the moments, brought to you so concisely.
Savannah Clark live drawing in fantastic mushrooming color.
Profuse thanks to all of our judges for never needing bathroom breaks.
Beth May slamming her way to a tidy victory. Her spoken word album "The Family Arsonist" is available for ONLY FIVE GODDAMN DOLLARS at http:// the-family-arsonist
Our sorbet poet Jordan kept the mic hot between rounds.
The Downtown Slam community assures that no audience members were concussed by laughter at February's event, but it was close.